The well-being of all members of our school community is of great importance to us at Longridge High School. This page of our website has a wealth of information and links to useful websites that can help, pupils, their families and staff alike to gain a better understanding of mental health issues and how to help yourself or others that may be struggling.
In school, we offer a range of support for pupils and staff can also access support too. For pupils who are struggling, we offer in-house support from our mentors, Head’s of Year, Senior Mental Health Lead and School Counsellor. We have a staff well-being group that meets to consider ways of enhancing well-being amongst our staff and run events to encourage team building and togetherness amongst our staff. We also have close links with a number of professionals and agencies that we can refer into should we feel that more appropriate than our in-house support.
The student support team consists of: –
Mrs K Rogers – Senior Mental Health Lead / Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) / Mental First Aid Level 3
Mr J Wright – Deputy DSL
Mrs S Flynn – Deputy DSL
Mr K Sutcliffe – Behaviour & Attendance Lead
Mr R Elder – SENDCO
Mrs R Jackson – Year 7 Pastoral Leader
Mrs R Edwardson-Pye – Year 7 Pastoral Support Officer
Mrs N Taylor – Year 8 Pastoral Leader
Mrs S McCann – Year 8 Pastoral Support Officer
Mrs K Kin – Year 9 Pastoral Leader
Mrs V Seaton – Year 9 Pastoral Support Officer
Mr C Mochan – Year 10 Pastoral Leader
Mrs D Saunders – Year 10 Pastoral Support Officer
Miss K Stemp – Year 11 Pastoral Leader
Mrs J Mills – Year 11 Pastoral Support Officer
Mrs S Evans – Early Intervention / Mentor / Mental First Aid Level 3
Mrs J Singh – School Counsellor (Thursday and Friday in school)
Ms Charlotte Hamer – School Nurse
Ms Alana Hughes – Compass Bloom (Monday in school)
In addition to the team listed above, we also have staff who are available for pupils to go and have a chat about any concerns that they may have. These staff will have a poster on their door outlining the times during break time or lunch time when they are available for a wellbeing chat.
We also have staff from PNE Community Education Trust supporting pupils through their ‘Game Changer’ Programme which has just started up in school and we are looking forward to working Chloe and Cameron from PNECET to help some of our pupils gain positive wellbeing and develop strategies to deal with any mental health challenges that they may face.
We also promote positive well-being by offering our pupils a wide variety of extra-curricular clubs and activities. Many of these link into our House System where pupils are grouped vertically across all year groups, allowing a sense of belonging and cohesion to be felt across the school. PSHE lessons look at a wide range of emotional, well-being and mental health issues, whilst also helping pupils to develop resilience and life skills for when they leave school. Assemblies bring year groups together for themed presentations sometimes delivered by guest speakers who specialize in particular areas.
Remember that whilst there are other agencies and charities that you can look to for help, we at school are here to continue to support you in any way that we can. Please do not hesitate to contact us on for the attention of Mrs Rogers. Other useful points of contact for support are listed below and there is also a document on the page outlining a number of useful websites etc. where parents and carers can access useful information on how to help their child at home or how to access services in their local area.
Remember that whilst there are other agencies and charities that you can look to for help, we at school are here to continue to support you in any way that we can. Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Rogers .