As a community high school, the role of the Governing Board is focussed on establishing the vision for what we believe students should have achieved during their time at our school and to describe how they will be prepared for the next stage of their education, employment or training. Governors are expected to promote the very highest standards of educational achievement for all pupils, encapsulated in ‘Excellence and Ambition from All, for All.’ The Governing Body contributes to strategic development and raising standards of achievement for all. They are also responsible for the conduct of all within the school.
Governors are volunteers who meet at least once per term as a full board. In addition, each Governor sits on at least one committee, of which there are two which meet regularly: The Quality of Education and Finance/ Health and Safety.
Through meetings and regular visits in to school Governors have strategic oversight of safeguarding, curriculum, finance, premises management and staff appointments. Governors consider their most important role to be the education, safety and welfare of our pupils. Any decisions impacting on the school community must be legal and in line with DfE/LA advice, guidance and statutes. Governors challenge and support the school in a proportionate, fair manner on behalf of all children and families.
All school governors are members of a ‘corporate body’ with delegated powers and functions to be exercised in a lawful way. School governors are all volunteers and are drawn from different parts of the community; parents, staff, LA, community and other groups.
Most Governors are able to visit the school regularly and this helps staff, pupils and parents to know who they are and for Governors to see how the policies, which governors have approved, are put into practice every day.
Senior leaders support Governors to measure the impact of teaching and the appropriateness of the curriculum. They make sure that Governors receive the information they need in a format that enables them to offer professional challenge and support.
Written correspondence to Mrs Clare Compton, Chair of Governors, should be sent c/o Longridge High School, Preston Road, Longridge, PR3 3AR. Email should be sent to