At Longridge High School we believe that every child should reach his or her full academic potential and we have high expectations and ambitions for all. Extra support is available to ensure that our pupils achieve well, feel safe and are valued members of the community. With this in mind, we have a Learning Support Department which has grown and developed as an integral part of the school. Our new Learning Support Base is located close to the front of school on the ground floor and is an accessible safe-space for vulnerable pupils, as well as a vital teaching hub for those children on a personalised curriculum.
A wide range of intervention groups are based in our Learning Support Department and we offer break and lunch clubs for some of our most vulnerable children.
We have a team of experienced and devoted Teaching Assistants who provide support both in and out of the classroom, as well as carrying out other duties such as exam access arrangement testing, mentoring and counselling, careers advice and college liaison and alternative provision for weaker children.
“Leaders are effective at identifying the needs of pupils with SEND. Pupils, parents and carers value the support that leaders and teachers provide for pupils with SEND.”
At Longridge we use a series of indicators to help us identify and support each child:
Prior progress data and teacher information from primary school is made available to us as part of the transition process. This is used along with baseline testing, done within departments, and CAT assessments carried out prior to October Half Term in Year 7.
We use feedback and referrals from teaching staff at all points in the school year and listen carefully to parental input. We receive clinical information from medical professionals and partner-agencies, all of which gives us a detailed picture of each child and their learning needs.
Staff at Longridge receive regular guidance and training from the SENCo and use each child’s detailed SEN Pupil Passport for support. This individualised education plan is reviewed each term and offers a range of strategies for teachers to use in support of each child, no matter what his or her learning needs.
Mr Elder is the SENCo at Longridge High School. Parents can contact him if they have any queries regarding SEND/Learning Support. You can contact Mr Elder by email at or by telephone: 01772 782316