Longridge High School is a registered centre for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. Pupils opt to enrol for the Bronze Award at the beginning of Year 9 and work on their chosen activities aiming to complete the award by July. There are four sections: three individually chosen activities – Physical, Volunteering and Skill – and the group expedition. Pupils show great commitment and determination through their participation in the award. Many try new things and gain a great deal from taking part. We are very proud of them all.
Physical, Volunteering and Skills Sections
The activities pupils choose are many and varied! For example, we have recently had sporting activities, dog walking, dance, fitness classes to name a few for the physical section. For volunteering, our pupils often support their local youth groups and organisations such as Brownies, or volunteer formally at their church or for a local charity. They have also chosen to cook for an elderly relative or go shopping for vulnerable friends and family. For their skill, learning another language or sign language – musical or drama participation have been popular choices.
Expedition Section
For the expedition section, pupils choose their own groups. In the spring term students must attend a six week training program including first aid, maps, compass and route planning, packing their kit, food planning and tents. Early in the summer term we go to expedition. Setting off early, the pupils walk in the Ribble Valley hills on their chosen routes stopping midway as they camp overnight at Hothersall Lodge. The two days are assessed by an accredited assessor to fulfil the Bronze award. The groups show grit and perseverance while working well as a team to make a success of their trip.
Can you help?
The school has a well-established team of teachers and volunteers who work with the pupils, training, supervising and assessing them. We are always very happy to hear from parents and carers who have some level of qualification or experience, and who would like to get involved in helping with the award. For more details, please contact the Duke of Edinburgh Manager Mrs Bridge
Expedition Dates 2022
Year 11
Friday 22nd & Saturday 23rd April
Camping overnight at Hothersall Lodge
Year 10
Friday 1st & Saturday 2nd July
Year 9
Friday 30th Sept & Saturday 1st Oct