Contact list
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of pupils is everyone’s responsibility.
If you have any safeguarding (welfare) concerns about yourself or somebody else, you can see any of the Safeguarding team below. Alternatively, you may want to speak to your teacher, Form tutor, Head of Year or a trusted Adult.
If you have a safeguarding concern, please call school on 01772 782316 and alert Mr Sutcliffe, Mrs Rogers or the Headteacher or email the member of the safeguarding team below.
Mr K Sutcliffe
Designated Safeguarding
Mrs K Rogers
Designated Safeguarding Deputy
Mrs J Green
Designated Safeguarding Deputy
School Nurse
Lancashire County Council have a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Virgin Care to provide a School Nursing service for Lancashire schools. The School Nursing service carries out the National Child Measurement Programme and School Health Needs Assessments and also provides advice on health promotion and health issues for older children and teenagers.
Each school has a designated school nurse who will co-ordinate the health input to school and any requests for support from children, young people or their families. Our School Nurse is Angela Fletcher. Angela works with the school to support our pupils with a wide range of advice and support on a number of health-related issues.
We participate in the School Health Needs Assessment in Year 9 (completed by pupils). The purpose of the questionnaire is to identify any additional needs or concerns that may require support from our services, or appropriate signposting to other services.
The school nurse team will also facilitate ‘drop in’ sessions for high school pupils. This is on a Tuesday lunchtime. As a school, we can also refer pupils to the School Nurse if we feel that a child has unmet needs that are appropriate for the involvement of a School Nurse. The School Nurse will be able to offer advice and support with:
• Health Advice
• Bullying Issues
• Emotional Wellbeing
• Healthy Eating
• Family Relationships
She can also give advice on a variety of issues, including:
• Stopping smoking
• Healthy living choices
• Puberty
• Weight and healthy eating
• Relationships
• Exam stress
• Personal safety
• Anger management
• Mental Health
• Medical concerns
• Sexual health and relationship advice
• Drugs and alcohol
If parents, carers or pupils would like to know more about the School Nurse service and/or would like to access the service, please contact your child’s Head of Year or Mrs Rogers.
Children and young people across Lancashire can also contact the Chat Health service by texting 07507 330 510. The service is available Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm (except bank holidays). During these times we aim to respond to all messages within 24 hours. Find out more about Chat Health here: –
Other useful websites suggested by the School Nursing service for Parents are: –
Head Lice / Nits:
Behaviour – Parenting Support:
Emotional Health – Friendships:
Healthy Lifestyles:
Text Messaging
Please note that school nurses do not send text messages as their first contact with parents unless it is following the reception health questionnaire when your child starts school. If you receive a text message requesting information about your child from anyone purporting to be a school nurse, please DO NOT engage. To check the viability of the request received, please contact the Lancashire Healthy Young People and Families Service Single Point of Access on 0300 247 0040.
School Counsellor
We employ an independent counsellor, who works with pupils in the school on Thursday’s and Friday’s during term time. The school counselling service allows pupils time to explore their own feelings and emotions in a safe environment, working towards enabling them to gain an understanding of themselves or situations they may be facing. Our school counsellor in Jas Singh. Jas can work with pupil’s experiencing a wide range of mental health and emotional issues, and has had high rates of success with our pupil’s over many years. Throughout the counselling process, Jas will aim is to help the pupil find solutions, strategies and ways to make effective changes. Jas will see pupils for as long as she deems is necessary and will continue to check in periodically with pupil’s who have finished their sessions with her.
Access to the counselling service can be requested by pupils themselves, school staff, parents / carers or outside agencies. Head’s of Year or our pastoral staff can complete referrals in school to request that a child is allocated an appointment with the school counsellor. If you feel that you would like more information about the school counselling service or feel that you would like your child to access the service, please contact your child’s Head of Year or Mrs Rogers.
Pupil Medical Information & Updating Records
School holds certain medical information relating to pupils. If your son/daughter is diagnosed with a medical condition, including all allergies, please contact our pastoral support team.
If your child has a Care Plan, a copy should be brought into school. If we already hold a Care Plan on record for your child, but there have been any changes/updates to the plan, please send an updated copy of the Care Plan.
It is very important that we have the most up to date medical information.